

Theme: Donkeys in Africa Now and in the Future

1st and 2nd December 2022

Kisenga LAPF International Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Conference Master of Ceremony – Dr. Mary Mbole Kariuki [AU-IBAR]

 Day 11st December, Thursday, 2022Panelists
8:00 - 9:00Agenda Setting
Moderator: Dr. Mary Mbole Kariuki
Conference overview and objectives - Dr. Hiver Boussini
Theme exposition - Brooke
-        Remarks & Prayers – Christian - 5 minutes
9:00 - 11:00-        Remarks & Prayers – Muslim - 5 minutes
Goodwill Remarks
-     Brooke Hospital for Animals
-     World Organization for Animal Health
-     Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
-     Chair CVO Caucus in Africa
-     Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Welcome Remarks
-     Welcome remarks - AUIBAR, Dr. Nick Nwankpa
-     Remarks- AUC, Commissioner for DARBE
-     Ministers - Uganda | Côte d'Ivoire | Senegal | Burkina Faso | Nigeria | Chad | Botswana | Tanzania
-     Chief Guest - Prime Minister of Tanzania
11:00 - 12:00-     Photo Session
-     Media engagements with Prime Minister and other dignitaries
Tea Break
Session 2Status of Donkeys in Africa : Moderator: Prof Nonga (CVO- Tanzania)
-     Status of donkeys in Africa - AUIBAR
-     Overview of donkey conservation efforts in Africa - Brooke
12:00 - 13:00-     Why addressing the donkey numbers in Africa matter
o ILRI- Global perspectives
o KALRO - East Africa’s perspectives
Lunch Break
Session 3Donkey Welfare and Health - Moderator : FAO
Donkey Production, Welfare and Health Standards [ 20 mins per speaker including Q&A]
14:00 - 15:00-     Can Donkey farming ever provide a sustainable supply-chain for the donkey skin trade? Dr. Emma Preston [TDS]
-     Animal welfare farming during slauhter and concerns about disease spread during illegal movement - Dr. S. Wakhusama [WOAH]
-     The Economic effects of the Donkey Skin Trade - Teferi Kidane [SPANA]
Session 4Contribution of donkeys - Moderator: Prof Cheikh Ly
The contribution of donkeys to the socio-economic and livelihood needs of Donkey Dependent Communities in Africa[20 mins per speaker including Q&A]
-     Testimonies showcasing the Role and Economic Contribution of Donkeys - hosted by Brooke
15:00 - 16:00o The Case for Western Africa
o The case for Eastern Africa
o The case for Southern Africa
-     The Contribution of the Donkey to pastoralism in the IGAD Region - Dr. Ameha Sebsibe IGAD
-     The contribution of Donkeys to Food Production, Food Security and Agribusiness in Africa - Dr. Charles Bebay, FAO
Session 5Threats of Donkey Skin Trade - Moderator : Prof Cheikh Ly
Threats of Donkey Skin Trade to Donkeys and the associated livelihoods in Africa [15 mins per speaker including Q&A]
16:00 - 17:00-     Trends in donkey slaughter and skin trade across African Union member states - Dr. Philip Msheila, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria
-     The link between Donkey Skin Trade and illegal wildlife trade - Edith Kabesiime & Simon Pope [World Animal Protection & The Donkey Santuary]
-     Implication of donkey slaughter on community livelihoods - Prof. Erick Komba [TALIRI]
-     Experiences in the journey to effect Ban on Donkey slaughter for Skin Trade in Tanzania - Prof Hezron Nonga [CVO - Tanzania]
Session 6Gala and High-level panel discussion session (Ministers, REC Representatives and Key Guests)
Panel Chair: Dr. Mary Kariuki - AU-IBAR Conference Moderator
-     Welcome remarks from the Minister fr Livestock & fisheries URT - 5 minutes
18:00 - 20:00-     Panel Questions from AU-IBAR MC - 40 minutes
-     Resolutions & Next Steps - 10 minutes
-     Closing remarks by the host minister - 5 minutes
-     Dinner, Entertainments and Beverages
Session 7 (8:30 - 9:00)Recap of the previous day discussions, key messages and commitments
Day 2, 2nd December, Friday, 2022
Session 8Panel 1 -    Is there cause for alarm regarding the status of the donkey in AfricaProf James Wabacha, ILRI, ECOWAS, Prof H Nonga, TDS
Panel discussion - Dr. Mary Mbole Kariuki [AU-IBAR] [20 mins per panel including]
9:00 - 11:00Panel 2 -    What should Africa do about Dnokey Health and Welfare, in order to ensure its sustainable contribution to the Sustainable development goals in Africa?UNEP [SDG], EAC-EALA, CVO Zimbabwe, Penny Ward [WHW]
Panel 3 -    What key interventions can Governments in Africa take to safeguard the socio-economic and livelihoods contribution of the donkey in Africa?Prof Cheikh Ly, Dr. Charles Bebay, CVO - Cote d'Ivore, Dr. G. Thoboke [SADC], Dr. E Kabesiime [WAP]
11:00 - 11:30Tea Break and Secretariat
Session 9 (11:30 - 12:10)Partner statements [5 minutes per speaker]
-     The Donkey Santuary [TDS]
-     World Horse Welfare
-     Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad [SPANA]
-     Economic Community of Central African States [ECCAS]
-     Southern African Development Community [SADC]
-     East African Community [EAC]
-     Pan African ParliamentProf James Wabacha
-     EU AW Platform
Session 10 (12:10 - 13:00)Resolutions, Communique, Way Forward [15 mins]
Final Ceremonies
-     Vote of thanks [Director AU IBAR - 10 mins]
-     Closing Remarks - Hon Ndaki Min of L&F Tanzania [10 mins]
13:00 -Lunch and Departure